“Music by Women is thrilled to introduce the Music by Women Journal. This Journal is an exciting new resource designed to promote the contributions of women in music and share a variety of relevant content. All musicians will find meaningful content to spark curiosity, gain new knowledge, or use in the classroom.
The Music by Women Journal celebrates music composed by women, women’s contributions to the music industry, and artistic pathways created by women. Articles, reviews, lesson plans, score studies, and opinion pieces help broaden understanding about women’s contributions to our shared artistic experiences.”
Call for Submissions
The Music by Women Journal welcomes article submissions, both applied and scholarly. Applied submissions could include reviews, lesson plans, score studies, or opinion pieces. Scholarly submissions could be historical, bibliographic, quantitative, or qualitative.
Authors may use any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian). If a submission contains copyrighted material, the author must provide proof of permission to use that material.
Articles should not be currently submitted elsewhere for consideration, either wholly or in part. Previously published work is not eligible for publication by the Music by Women Journal. Authors may submit previously-published works to be considered for linked content.
How to Submit
Email your submission to the journal editor, Dr. Eva Floyd, at journal@musicbywomen.org as a .doc or .docx attachment.
- Include an abstract or brief description of the submission
- Format with double-spacing and page numbers
- Include tables or images at the most logical location in the manuscript
- Use media and interactive materials as appropriate